Thursday, 26 January 2012

Why is music so important in Africa, and why do they use drums so much?

In Africa you’ll find drums at every kind of ceremony, births, deaths, marriages. They’re normally accompanied but a ritual dance. The pounding of many drums together is also used to start up, battles or wars but can also portray excitement or passion.
With the music and the beating of the different drums, there must be a special connection the African population have with this music, whether it’s spiritual or just pure love for the music, as it is part of their everyday life.  
In the western part of Africa music is recorded so that it can be copied by just listening to it, there is no sheet music involved, and that piece of music will then become traditional.
African drums suggest a lot about the Africans way of life and how they use this music to influence everything they accomplish.
African tradition has persuaded styles to change, and even create their own genres. They have shown us that living is about the community we’re involved in, and music shouldn’t only be played by highly qualified musicians and only listened to by a higher class, music should make us equal and bring us together.
If we compare our life to an Africans lifestyle, our music should always involve an audience and performers as done in their culture, as it brings the community closer together and all have a bond through music.
There interesting choice of rhythms provokes the audience to join in, and instantly the mood is lifted.

So as you see in this piece of text there are many reasons for why drums are so important to the African population, and why music is so important too. It can be used for to uplift a mood, spiritual reasons, for any kind of ceremony, to provoke war/battle, excitement/passion, to dance, and to bring a community together.

I think we should take a note from their book because Africans have a tight population because they all have the same love; we need to find something to bring our communities together. They show all this by playing some of the oldest instruments in the world.

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